Argentina. Mendoza


Departure from Mendoza city to Potrerillos Valley, arrive to the activities base in front of Mendoza River, and near Potrerillos’s Dam, were is able to enjoy an outstanding sightseeing, enjoying a trekking or walk along pathways between mountains, and the possibility to complete the activity with rappel descent, meters from a waterfall. We can appreciate the flora and fauna of mountain, our guides will show you the safest way to appreciate the Cordón del Plata. For the adventure lovers, we will rappelling 18 meters on the wall of the waterfall Quebrada del Salto.
Trekking duration: 3 hours (approx.)
Included: special equippment.
Recommendations: Wear comfortable clothes, sport o trekking shoes, coat and sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and an extra pair of socks.